2013 to 2014
2008 to 2013
2000 to 2007
1997 to 2003
Master Class Student [Meisterschüler] | National Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany
Study of Fine Arts, Graduate Diploma | National Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany
Art Director, Senior Art Director | Advertising Agency Wunderman, Frankfurt, Germany
Study of Communication Design, Graduate Diploma | University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany
Postgraduate Stipend | National Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe | Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
EHF 2010 Stipend | Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation | Berlin, Germany
Winner of the 9. International Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Arts | Liège, Belgium
Academy Award | National Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe, Germany
Winner of Exhibition | 32. International Art Exhibition | Hollfeld, Germany
Coming Home | BOK Galerie, Offenbach, Germany
Impressions Givrées | Le Grand Curtius Musée, Liège, Belgium
Von Worten und Werken | Galerie Ulla Teschner, Hofheim, Germany
Bis zur Unangreifbarkeit – Fine Art Degree Show | National Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany
Umkrempeln | Kunstraum Neureut, Karlsruhe, Germany
VII. Ellwanger Kunstausstellung | Kunstverein Ellwangen, Germany
Atonale Kunstherbst | Atonale, Henkel/Schwarzkopf-Gelände, Hamburg, Germany
Kuboshow | Flottmann-Hallen, Herne, Germany
Reprint | Kunstraum hase29, Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Kunst Osnabrück, Germany
16. Kunstansichten Offenbach | Atelier Dickstraße, Offenbach, Germany
Fiocco Bianco | Kunstverein Germersheim, Germany
Die Große | Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Germany
How beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken | Kunstverein Paderborn, Germany
Being Syntopic | Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, Switzerland
One Night Only | KunstWerk Köln e.V., Cologne, Germany
Contemporary Art Ruhr | Welterbe Zollverein, Essen, Germany
23. Karlsruher Künstlermesse | Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe, Germany
If Wishes were Fishes | LaVallée, Brussels, Belgium
Perron-Kunstpreis | Kunsthaus Frankenthal, Germany
Serendipity Park | Kunstverein Offenbach, Germany
Herbstsalon | Kunstverein Bad Homburg, Germany
Albert-Haueisen-Kunstpreis | Zehnthaus, Jockgrim, Germany
Sun kills Moon | Fleischmarkthalle Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract Views – Incubarte 7 | International Art Festival, Valencia, Spain
Contemporary Art Ruhr | Welterbe Zollverein, Essen, Germany
Imprimerie | 14. Kunstansichten Offenbach, Germany
Besuch an der See | Werkstatt 212, Alte Bürger, Bremerhaven, Germany
Top 14 – Meisterschüler der Kunstakademie Karlsruhe | Kunstverein Pforzheim, Germany
Westsüd – Studierende der Kunstakademie Karlsruhe | Galerie Knecht und Burster, Karlsruhe, Germany
Regionale 14 – Randgänge | T66 Kulturwerk, Freiburg, Germany
9. International Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Arts | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège, Belgium
Weiß und Schwarz | 13. Kunstansichten Offenbach, Germany
Librarty | Baden State Library, Karlsruhe, Germany
Welch schöne Utopie | Wilhelmspalais, Stuttgart, Germany
5. Ellwanger Kunstausstellung | Kunstverein Ellwangen, Germany
Cologne Paper Art | Vulkanhalle, Cologne, Germany
Off Space #4 – 17x8 | Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsuhe, Germany
Scheitern | Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG), Karlsruhe, Germany
Große Kunstausstellung Halle | Kunsthalle Villa Kobe, Halle, Germany
Drawing Connections | Siena Art Institute, Siena, Italy
Junge Künstler in der Villa | Kunstverein Neustadt, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany
Seitenblicke – 32. Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung | Kunstverein Hollfeld, Germany
Übermorgenkünstler | Heidelberger Kunstverein, Germany
Die Nadel, No. 03 – Störung | Culturological Magazine for Arts and Media | Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
Badische Neueste Nachrichten | ct: Innen bist du nass | BNN, Badendruck GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Badische Neueste Nachrichten | Hübl, Michael: Lesen lohnt sich – Schauen auch | BNN, Badendruck GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Monopol, Special Art Karlsruhe | Magazine for Art and Life | Juno Kunstverlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Slanted Magazine, No. 22 | Magazine for Typography and Graphic Design | Magma Brand Design, Karlsruhe, Germany
Printmaking Today, Vol. 22 | Journal of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, Oxford, Great Britain
La Libre | La Biennale de la Gravure contemporaine | Gazette de Liège, Liège, Belgium
Visite du Soir | Wynants, Jean-Marie: Biennale Internationale de Gravure contemporaire | Mad le Soir, Brussels, Belgium
Nordbayerischer-Kurier | Pittner, Barbara: Heilsversprechen und mehr | Bayreuth, Germany
Library of Art and Museum, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
Klingspor-Museum for International Book- and Scriptart Offenbach, Germany
Baden State Library, Karlsruhe, Germany
City of Karlsruhe, Regional Council, Karlsruhe, Germany
City of Offenbach, Bureau of Culture, Offenbach, Germany